Cancer is a formidable Foe!
Kids Cancer needs Heroes! JOIN US to walk or run, and be a HERO for Kids Cancer! Your capes are waiting!

Heroes for Kids Cancer Walk/5K
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Giralda Farms
Madison, NJ 07940
$25 registration fee includes:
Event T-shirt*, Bounce House & Balloon Artist for the kids!
Food & DJ 10 am - 12:30pm
Kids 10 & Under are free*-- but please register them, (you won't be charged for kids 10 and under, but they do need to be registered!).
Kids 10 & under who register for the offically timed 5K are charged a discounted $10 registration fee.
Raise a minimum of $100 in sponsorships and receive a GOLD CAPE to wear and show your HEROISM!
Gold is the color for Kids Cancer, so let the Gold Capes Fly!
Form teams with friends and co-workers... the more Heroes the better!
Let's see the Gold Capes Fly!
Start times for walk/run/rides:
Walkers: Check-In begins at 9:00am, walk departs at 10:15 am
Runners: 5K Check-In Begins at 9:15 am, run leaves at 10:30 am
9:00 am Registration/Check-In Opens
10:00 am Awarding of the Capes
10:15 am Walk begins
10:30 am Run begins
11:30 am Lunch, Awarding of Race Medals & Prizes for Top Fundraisers
12:30 pm Event End
Virtual Heroes:
Can't join us in person? NO WORRIES! Help make some noise, by participating as a VIRTUAL HERO his year!
Help make some noise, by participating as a VIRTUAL HERO his year! Register today and run on your own to raise awareness and research funds for us in September or October. There is no registration fee, and those who raise a minimum of $100 by Oct. 6 will receive their Gold Heroes capes, and be eligible for any of the top fundraiser prizes.
*Note: DON'T BE LATE! Register by Sept. 28 to be guaranteed a t-shirt!